
Is The Walking Dead considered science fiction?

Is The Walking Dead considered science fiction?

The Walking Dead TV series. (Image credit: TWD Productions LLC.) Science-fiction television often explores profound themes of existence through the prisms of science, technology and the otherworldly.

What genre do zombies fall under?

horror genre
Zombies are fictional creatures usually portrayed as reanimated corpses or virally infected human beings. They are commonly portrayed as cannibalistic in nature. While zombie films generally fall into the horror genre, some cross over into other genres, such as action, comedy, science fiction, thriller, or romance.

What do zombies represent?

In American culture, specifically within the medium of film, the zombie represents severeal different “fears.” Zombies of the Haitian Voodoo variety represent a loss of cognition/ consciousness and also a loss of free will.

Do fictional zombies exist in walking dead?

“Zombie” has not been used in the TV series; when interviewed, Lauren Cohan stated that Romero movie zombies never existed in the popular fiction of the TV Walking Dead universe. The characters within The Walking Dead TV series and comic books come up with their own monikers and categorizations for the undead.

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Why is the word zombie never used?

The Walking Dead creator explains that the word ‘zombie’ doesn’t exist in the series’ universe. In other words, there’s no reference to the word “zombie” on The Walking Dead because the word simply doesn’t exist in that universe.

Is Frankenstein a zombie?

Frankenstein’s monster is not a zombie. He isn’t any form of undead. Except for the unusual manner in which he was created and the resultant disfigurement he is mostly just a man. Unlike the undead he is not a mere slab of animate rotting flesh.

What is considered science fiction?

science fiction, abbreviation SF or sci-fi, a form of fiction that deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals.

What features do horror and science fiction have in common?

Science fiction and horror share many of the same genre roots; science fictional motifs wind through horror like strands of DNA, and horror’s tentacles have slithered into many works that are otherwise squarely science fiction.

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What do zombies symbolize in literature?

For 80 years, the undead have been used by filmmakers and writers as a metaphor for much deeper fears: racial sublimation, atomic destruction, communism, mass contagion, globalism — and, more than anything, each other.