
Is there any difference between Allen Answer Key and NTA answer key?

Is there any difference between Allen Answer Key and NTA answer key?

Generally, there is no such difference in the answer key and the options with correction are also updated as per the official answer key released by NTA. …

How do I get NTA NEET answer key?

Candidates who will appear in the exam can download the answer key of NEET 2021 by following the steps that are given below:

  1. Step 1 – First click on the official link which is
  2. Step 2 – NEET answer key PDF will appear on the screen.
  3. Step 3 – Download the final answer key of the NEET 2021 exam.

Is NTA released Answer Key 2021?

NTA NEET 2021 answer key is released in two phases – provisional and final. NEET 2021 provisional answer key was released on October 15 at….NEET Official Answer Key 2021 Release Dates.

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Events NEET answer key dates
NEET 2021 Exam September 12, 2021

Is Neet OMR sheet released?

NEET OMR sheet 2022: The National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the NEET 2022 OMR sheet for eligible registered candidates. The NEET OMR sheet will be released at….NEET OMR Sheet 2022 Important Dates.

Events NEET OMR answer sheet dates
Counselling commences To be announced

Is NTA released NEET key 2021?

NTA NEET 2021 answer key is released in two phases – provisional and final. NEET 2021 provisional answer key was released on October 15 at Along with the answer key, NEET 2021 OMR sheet was released and a copy was sent to the registered email ID.

What is NEET answer key challenge?

Candidates can challenge the official answer key of NEET which has been released by the national testing agency (NTA) by paying ₹1000 per answer challenged. Candidates can also challenge the recorded response sheet. The Challenges will not be accepted through any other mode (than online),” the NTA has said.