
Is there good diving in Cambodia?

Is there good diving in Cambodia?

Diving Cambodia. The main diving areas in Cambodia are around the nearer islands like Koh Rong, Koh Rong Saloem and Koh Koun (Kon) – which are good for macro diving. Further north is Koh Totang in the Koh S’Dach Archipelago. The best dives are further out – Koh Tang and Koh Prins and the more distant Poulo Wai.

Does Cambodia have sharks?

One shark species, namely whale shark (Rhincodon typus), is included in the list of endangered species of Cambodia. Development of the National Plan of Action on Conservation and Management of Shark (NPOA-Shark) is also underway.

Where is the best diving in Thailand?

Five Best Places to Scuba Dive in Thailand

  1. Andaman Sea. Young woman scuba diving on a beautiful soft coral reef in South Andaman, Thailand.
  2. Similan Islands. An Oceanic manta ray flying through the divers bubbles in the Similan Islands.
  3. Koh Tao. A beautiful coral reef in Koh Tao.
  4. Koh Lanta.
  5. Koh Phi Phi.
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Are there wild tigers in Cambodia?

Tigers are functionally extinct in Cambodia. The last tiger of Cambodia was captured on camera trap in 2007. We have already lost over 96\% of wild tigers in the last century, but we are slowly recovering their population through Tx2 – the global commitment to double the world’s wild tigers by 2022.

Can you swim in Cambodia?

The performance film is of Gray’s play and monologue, which centered on such themes as his trip to Southeast Asia to create the role of the U.S. Ambassador’s aide in the film The Killing Fields, the Cold War, Cambodia Year Zero, and his search for his “perfect moment”….

Swimming to Cambodia
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How much does it cost to dive in Koh Tao?

Koh Tao entry level diving course prices range from 9,500 to 11,000 baht. On the west coast you can expect to pay between 14,000 to 16,000 baht and on Thailand’s eastern seaboard the prices will be between 14,000 to 16,000 baht for the PADI Open Water diver course.