
Should meta description be different on each page?

Should meta description be different on each page?

each page on my website represents a different department, can I program the header to show a different meta description on each page or should there only be 1 meta description tag per domain? Yes – each page CAN have different meta description with different text. This isn’t prohibited. This is REQUIRED!

How long should your page meta description be before it gets truncated?

Meta descriptions can technically be any length, but Google generally truncates snippets to ~155-160 characters. It’s best to keep meta descriptions long enough that they’re sufficiently descriptive, so we recommend descriptions between 50 and 160 characters.

Can Meta descriptions be two sentences?

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Meta Description Tips Google gives room for about a 1-2 sentence (160-character) summary below every search result. So, in one to two sentences, your descriptions should offer a compelling reason to visit the webpage. Add a clear call to action, address an emotional pain point, or offer a specific benefit to visitors.

Do meta descriptions affect SEO?

Do Meta Descriptions Affect SEO? The short answer is no, they don’t technically impact SEO. Meta descriptions affect organic click-through rate (CTR), which is an important metric.

Do ampersands affect SEO?

Do ampersands in the title tag hurt your site’s ranking? I would consider them generally helpful – not necessarily for improving rankings, but allowing you to get more choice words into the text of a title or description that will then be read by a user in the SERP.

What is meta description limit?

Traditionally, meta description length has maxed out at 155 characters, with the exception of experimental periods such as when Google temporarily extended the length to a 320-character meta description length.

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How long should meta title?

Moz recommends keeping your titles under 60 characters. For the most accurate results, view on a desktop browser. Note: You may also see title tags referred to as “meta titles” or “meta title tags” in some cases. While controversial with some, either usage is typically fine.

Why meta description is important?

A compelling meta description has the power to raise the click-through rate of your organic search results. That means more of the people who see your page in the search results will actually click through and land on your site. That means more traffic for you, even if your ranking stays the same!

Does duplicate meta descriptions hurt SEO?

You may have heard that having duplicate Meta descriptions on your site won’t get you penalised by Google, and that is partially true. Google will not actively penalise you for having duplicate meta tags or meta descriptions on your site. But it’s still bad SEO, and it’s still costing you rankings.

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Can Google Read ampersands?

Yes, google can and does read ampersands and plusses and does show slightly different results depending on which you use. Be sure to check search volumes first though, there’s no reason to spend time creating a unique and optimised page for the keyword using a plus instead of an ampersand if nobody is searching for it.