
Should you follow your heart or your brain?

Should you follow your heart or your brain?

Listening to your head may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart increases your risk of regret, so if you want to lead a more satisfying life, follow your heart.

Is it better to live life following your heart or following your mind?

Research has shown that decisions are made through a combination of both cognition and emotion but, science aside, most people tend to think one is better than the other. As for the scenario above, listening to your head may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart increases the risk of regret.

What does it mean by follow your heart?

Definition of follow one’s heart : to do what one would really love to do I decided to follow my heart and take up acting.

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What is the role of heart and brain in decision making?

The brain is the powerhouse of the body. The heart organ, it turns out, has a mind of its own. “Most of your decisions are made at the heart level, and then you justify them with your logical thinking head brain,” says Kogan. Business leaders can leverage the science to improve their decision-making capacity.

Why is following your heart important?

When we follow our hearts, we learn to trust our intuition. We are more in tune with what our hearts are telling us to do and what direction they are leading us. When we learn we can trust our intuition, we are more open to following our hearts.

Why you should follow your heart?

Is it wise to follow your heart?

It is okay to follow your heart, but it’s not as safe to do so when you are feeling extremely happy or sad because those emotions can cloud your judgment and influence your decision. Maybe spend an evening alone, with pen and paper.

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Is it good to follow your heart?

Who said follow your heart?

I opened my last book with Steve Jobs’s 2005 commencement address at Stanford University. Toward the end of the speech, I noted, Jobs said: And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

How do the heart and brain communicate?

As the most powerful and consistent generator of rhythmic information patterns in the body, the heart is in continuous communication with the brain and whole body through multiple pathways: neurologically, (through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)) biochemically (through hormones), biophysically (through pressure and …