
Should you read or watch Dressrosa?

Should you read or watch Dressrosa?

Read Punk Hazard first then read Dressrosa otherwise the story won’t make much sense if it’s out of order :/ If you’re asking which one to read then I recommend Dressrosa because the anime has a lot of filler for it. Dressrosa seems to be the one most people recommend to read, thanks!

Should I read Dressrosa arc?

No you should not. The Dressrossa arc, despite being the longest, is one of the most essential arcs in all of One Piece.

Which arc of One Piece can I skip?

While you can safely skip the episodes outlined above, one filler arc you’ll want to watch is the G-8 arc from episodes 196-206. This occurs immediately following the Sky Island Saga. Many fans see this as the best of the best in terms of the filler arcs, so it is well worth your time as a fan.

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Is Dressrosa arc too long?

Clearly, Dressrosa is roughly double the length of the second longest arc until now. The major reasons behind this are: Character Introduction/Development: As you point out, the number of characters introduced during this arc are far too many as compared to any other arc.

What’s the best arc One Piece?

5 Best Canon Arcs In One Piece (& 5 Best Filler Arcs)

  • 9 Filler: Marine Rookie Arc.
  • 8 Canon: Whole Cake Island.
  • 7 Filler: Ocean’s Dream.
  • 6 Canon: Marineford.
  • 5 Filler: Z’s Ambition.
  • 4 Canon: Wano.
  • 3 Filler: Little East Blue.
  • 2 Canon: Enies Lobby.

What One Piece arcs should I watch?

The “Enies Lobby” (episodes 263-312) and “Marineford” (episodes 457-489) arcs are considered the best in all of One Piece, so definitely give them a watch even if you’re completely committed to the manga.

Why did Luffy go to Dressrosa?

Luffy wanted to get Ace’s Devil Fruit for himself, and Franky encouraged him to do so as they headed for the Colosseum.

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What is the longest arc in one piece?

Out the longest One Piece arc is none other than the Dressrosa storyline. According to the report, Dressrosa collected 118 episodes today which makes it the longest arc. It is followed up closely by Whole Cake Island which landed 95 episodes. These are two of the anime’s latter arcs, and its length makes sense to fans.

Can you skip Dressrosa?

You should never ever skip Dressrosa arc. It totally worths to watch. This arc is more about Sanji and his family, and Bigmom and her family. If you skip you might not know why bigmom hates luffy so much, and how luffy’s new gear and power has developed.

Can I skip some of Dressrosa?

It’s ultimately up to you though of course. At most you can skip the movie tie-in episodes, but that isn’t much. As soon as you finish Dressrosa Heart of Gold and Film gold can be watched with proper context.