
Was Janos Slynt a good fighter?

Was Janos Slynt a good fighter?

11 Janos Slynt He is somebody who is happy to talk the talk and act confident, but in reality, he is weak and an unskilled fighter. He showcases this best during the Battle Of Castle Black, where he actually proves himself to be a coward, spending his time hiding away.

Why did Tyrion send Janos Slynt to the wall?

When Tyrion Lannister comes to King’s landing as acting Hand of the King he has Janos sent to the wall. He wants to break Cersei’s power (Janos is beholden to her), but also Janos is corrupt (he was bought by Cersei through Littlefinger) and he is morally bankrupt (as he ordered the killing of a baby).

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Why did Jon Snow Kills Lord Janos?

Insubordination is punishable by death. Janos Slynt was openly, repeatedly and blatantly insubordinate, after Jon gave him multiple chances to change his mind and after he made it clear that he was giving a direct order. By being insubordinate, Slynt forfeited his life.

Why is ser Alliser at the wall?

Thorne fought on the Targaryen side during Robert’s Rebellion and was in King’s Landing during the Sack, fighting to defend it when the Lannisters came in. When the Sack was over, he was given a choice: execution or the Wall. He chose the Wall.

Who hides with Gilly?

When Sam returns to Gilly, he discovers Janos still in hiding. Slynt is present in the courtyard of Castle Black when the dead of the Night’s Watch are burned in the presence of the recently arrived Stannis Baratheon.

Why does Tyrion get rid of Janos?

The dismissal of Lord Janos Slynt is one such action. Grand Maester Pycelle, Lord Varys, and Petyr Baelish were all members of the Small Council, and Tyrion wanted to know which one of those three were loyal to Cersei.

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Why is ser Alliser in the Nights Watch?

After the city fell to the rebellion, he joined the Night’s Watch, being given the choice of taking the black or being executed by Tywin; this is most likely the cause of Ser Alliser’s animosity towards Jon, as Jon’s father was a prominent leader in Robert’s Rebellion which forced Thorne into exile at the Wall.

Who saves Arya season1?

Yoren is present at the Great Sept of Baelor when Eddard publicly confesses to treason, and he recognizes Eddard’s daughter Arya in the crowd. When King Joffrey I Baratheon unexpectedly orders Lord Stark to be beheaded by Ser Ilyn Payne, Yoren grabs Arya and prevents her from seeing her father’s execution.