
Was Obi Wan Kenobi weak?

Was Obi Wan Kenobi weak?

Obi-Wan Kenobi However, in the novel Rising Force, it’s made clear that he was considered weak in the Force, and was only trained at Qui-Gon’s insistence. What he lacked in raw Force power he made up for in his knowledge and understanding of the Force.

Why did Obi Wan sacrifice himself in a new hope?

According to this new line of speculation, Obi-Wan deliberately sacrificed himself in his fight with Darth Vader in order to show Anakin that only the Jedi could become one with the Force.

Why was Obi Wan so slow?

Their technology in filming was not that developed yet so the movements seems to be so slow and the technology now is more advanced that is why you can make actions of people faster. Second, it is probably old age. Obi Wan is already old when he fought Darth Vader inside the Death Star and his age slowed him already.

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Was Obi Wan more powerful than Vader in A New Hope?

But Vader has always been stronger than Obi Wan. During their first fight on Mustafar Dark Side Anakin was immensely more powerful than Obi Wan. In fact just about every source from or about that time puts Knightfall Vader on the level of Yoda and Sidious.

Did Obi Wan forgive Anakin?

So once Anakin fulfilled the prophecy, Obi wan taught again how to become a force ghost. A technique only a True Jedi can Learn. And obi wan forgave anakin and saw him as the true Jedi he was meant to be.

Why was Vader so slow?

Why do Obi-Wan and Darth Vader fight so slowly in A New Hope compared to how they fought in Revenge of the Sith? Well, it’s not because they are old! In terms of moviemaking, Star Wars was filmed & produced in 1976 and featured a finely aged Alec Guinness clashing swords with a muscular man in a big heavy black suit.

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Was Obi Wan weaker than Anakin?

Originally Answered: Who was more powerful, Anakin or Obi Wan? Through most of the saga, Obi Wan Kenobi was more powerful. He held his own against Jango Fett in a fistfight, a feat most Jedi could never hope to do. However, by ROTS anakin was more powerful.