
Was there a battle on Naboo during the Clone Wars?

Was there a battle on Naboo during the Clone Wars?

The Battle of Naboo was a battle during the Clone Wars.

What was the invasion of Naboo?

The Invasion of Naboo, also known as the Battle of Naboo, Battle for Naboo, Subjugation of Naboo, or the Naboo Blockade, was a significant galactic conflict that occurred on the planet Naboo in 32 BBY, where the planet’s capital city, Theed, and surrounding regions were invaded and occupied by the battle droid Army of …

When did the clone wars start?

October 3, 2008
Star Wars: The Clone Wars/First episode date

What system is Naboo in Star Wars?

The Naboo system was a solar system of the Chommell sector, in the galaxy’s Mid Rim. It notably contained the pastoral planet of Naboo. In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, it was represented in the Galactic Senate by Sheev Palpatine, and then Padmé Amidala.

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What are the ruins on Naboo?

Thousands of years after the Elders’ disappearance, the Gungans held their ruins as sacred. In any case, millennia after the Elders’ mysterious vanishing, the Gungans used their ruins as places of worship, especially the Sacred Place, an abandoned sanctuary hidden in the foothills of the Gallo Mountains.

Why did the Jedi get involved in the Clone Wars?

Originally Answered: Why is Jedi Order involved in politics during Clone Wars? The Jedi were affiliated with the Republic for so long that they lost the sense of their true purpose. They basically became a Force sensitive guardians of the Republic, defended it no matter what and were blinded by what it has become.

What clone unit was on Naboo?

A decade before the Separatist crisis and the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation used B1 battle droids constructed by the Geonosians as shock troops in the invasion of Naboo. The droids, commanded remotely from an orbiting Droid Control Ship, overwhelmed the Naboo’s efforts to fight back.

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