
What animals would survive a zombie apocalypse?

What animals would survive a zombie apocalypse?

5 Animals That Will Save You in a Zombie Apocalypse

  • Komodo Dragon. Komodo dragons are opportunist carnivores, meaning they’re happy to eat almost anything that comes their way…
  • Vultures. Here at ZSL London Zoo, we have an elite team of feathered zombie destroyers AKA vultures.
  • Rats.
  • Maggots.
  • Piranha.

Can a dog turn into a zombie?

Animals do not turn into zombies — only humans do. However, certain events in the series suggest it’s a virus that’s causing the zombie outbreak, such as when the characters learn that everyone turns into a zombie when they die, whether or not they were ever bitten by one.

What animal is best at surviving?

The great Victorian naturalist Thomas Henry Huxley called these creatures “persistent types,” but there is an even simpler name for them—survivors.

  • Cow sharks.
  • Horsetails.
  • Lice.
  • Brachiopods.
  • Ginkgo.
  • Duck-billed platypus.
  • Coelacanth.
  • Horseshoe crab.
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How do you train a dog in a zombie apocalypse?

During the zombie-pocalypse

  1. Self-defense: no biting. Teach the dogs that under no circumstances should they bite a walker.
  2. Stop, drop and roll (in something disgusting) This is a super-important lesson, and luckily it comes naturally.
  3. Use enthusiasm as a weapon.
  4. Teach dogs to barricade themselves.

Would Iron Man survive a zombie apocalypse?

10 Would Survive: Iron Man’s Armor Means He Could Hold Out Indefinitely. Iron Man surviving a zombie apocalypse is pretty much a no brainer. However, his armor is what would clinch it for him. Iron Man has a large variety of suits of armor, all of which would protect him against zombies, be they regular or superpowered …

What animal can turn into a zombie?

While predominantly a fictional concept when applied to larger mammals, there have been instances of insects, such as ants and wasps, becoming “zombies” from a real world perspective. For example, the Cordyceps fungus is known to infect insects and change their behavior before their eventual death.