
What are Apud cells?

What are Apud cells?

The endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract are APUD cells. This acronym stands for amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation, after the classical function of the cells, which may relate to their role in hormone synthesis. The APUD cells in different regions of the tract secrete different hormones.

Are G cells the same as Enteroendocrine cells?

Gastric enteroendocrine cells are found in the gastric glands, mostly at their base. The G cells secrete gastrin, post-ganglionic fibers of the vagus nerve can release gastrin-releasing peptide during parasympathetic stimulation to stimulate secretion.

What is an Apud tumor?

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APUDomas, currently known as neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), are a group of heterogeneous tumors that arise from the diffuse neuroendocrine system. They occur mainly in the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. These tumors typically present with organ-specific features.

Which amino acid is taken up by Apud cells?

Designation for cells in various organs secreting polypeptide hormones. Cells in this group have certain biochemical characteristics in common: they contain amines, such as catecholamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine; take up precursors of these amines in vivo; and contain amino acid decarboxylase.

What do the Apud cells do and how many types are there?

It was reported that there were 4-APUD cell types: B cell (secreting INS), PP cell (secreting pancreatic polypeptide), A cell (secreting GLU) and D cell (secreting SOM) in the pancreatic island of fish species[48].

Are Enterochromaffin cells Apud cells?

Two lines of these cells have been termed enterochromaffin (argentaffin) and enterochromaffinlike (argyrophil) cells. When supplied with amine precursors these cells produce and store amines. For that reason they have been termed APUD cells [abbreviation for Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation (Pearse, 1977)].

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Are Enteroendocrine cells the same as enterocytes?

Enteroendocrine cells (EECs) are found scattered along the GI tract between absorptive enterocytes and other secretory cells, and comprise around 1\% of the epithelial cell population. Interestingly, they develop from the same crypt stem cell as the other absorptive or secretory cells of the gut.

What is the role of Enteroendocrine cells?

Enteroendocrine cells are hormone-producing cells that are sprinkled throughout the gut epithelium. In response to chemical and mechanical stimuli, these cells secrete a variety of important hormones, such as GLP-1 and GLP-2, PYY, CCK, and serotonin.

What does Apud cells secrete?

Pearse, who developed the APUD concept in the early 1960s. These cells share the common function of secreting a low molecular weight polypeptide hormone. There are several different types which secrete the hormones secretin, cholecystokinin and several others.

What are EC cells?

Enterochromaffin (EC) cells (also known as Kulchitsky cells) are a type of enteroendocrine cell, and neuroendocrine cell. They reside alongside the epithelium lining the lumen of the digestive tract and play a crucial role in gastrointestinal regulation, particularly intestinal motility and secretion.

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Are G cells Enterochromaffin cells?

G cells are stimulated by vagal stimulation through the neurotransmitter gastrin-releasing peptide; this causes the G cells to secrete gastrin, which in turn stimulates ECL cells to release histamine. Enterochromaffin-like cells also produce pancreastatin and probably other peptide hormones and growth factors.

What are G cells?

G-cells are neuroendocrine cells responsible for the synthesis and secretion of gastrin. They are primarily found in the pyloric antrum but can also be found in the duodenum and the pancreas. They secrete gastrin when stimulated directly by vagal efferent neurons as well as GRP neurons.