
What are important events in Australia?

What are important events in Australia?

Here are just 13 of the many events that have shaped our nation.

  • Archaeological Discovery.
  • Willem Janszoon.
  • Arrival of the First Fleet.
  • Gold Rush.
  • Eureka Stockade.
  • Federation of Australia.
  • Australian Woman Suffrage.
  • Gallipoli Landing.

What is the most commonly celebrated holiday in Australia?

New Year’s Day — Saturday 1st January New Year’s is one of the most popular national public holidays in Australia. The holiday celebrates the first day of the modern Gregorian calendar, used by Australia and the majority of the Western World.

How many festivals are celebrated in Australia?

15 Updated Festivals In Australia (with dates) In 2021 To Attend.

What happened in the year 1941 in Australia?

19 November – The light cruiser HMAS Sydney engages the German auxiliary cruiser Kormoran in an hour-long battle off the coast of Western Australia. Both ships are sunk, the Sydney going down with 645 crew. 9 December – Australia declares war on Japan, and the Axis powers of Finland, Hungary and Romania.

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What happened in the year 1984 in Australia?

September. 2 September – 7 people shot dead and 12 wounded in a bikie shootout between rival bikie gangs the Bandidos and Comancheros in the Sydney suburb of Milperra. 5 September – Western Australia becomes the last Australian state to abolish capital punishment for ordinary crimes (i.e. murder).

What holidays do only Australia celebrate?

Australia’s National Public Holidays

  • New Year’s Day – 1st January.
  • Australia Day- 26th January.
  • Easter Holidays – April.
  • Anzac Day – 25th April.
  • Queen’s Birthday – 9th June (29th September in WA)
  • Christmas Day – 25th December.
  • Boxing Day – 26th December.
  • Labour Day – Varies within states.

What celebrations are celebrated in Australia?

Australia’s biggest parties and celebrations

  • New Year’s Eve fireworks in Sydney.
  • Australian Open in Melbourne.
  • Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney.
  • Adelaide Fringe Festival.
  • Riverfire in Brisbane.
  • AFL Grand Final in Melbourne.
  • Melbourne Cup Day, across Australia.
  • Chinese New Year, across Australia.