
What are peak traffic hours in Bangalore?

What are peak traffic hours in Bangalore?

The worst rush hours are reserved for Fridays between 7 PM and 8 PM. “Travelling after 8 PM on Friday could save you up to 5 hours per year (for a 30 minute commute),” the report said.

What is B track in Bangalore traffic?

B-TRAC is the first of its kind project in the country to address the issues of traffic congestion, safety etc utilizing the latest traffic management technology and BTRAC is aimed at complementing the efforts being done by other agencies to upgrade the road infrastructure & efficient mass transportation system.

What is the longest traffic jam in history?

The longest traffic jam in the world was recorded in Beijing, China. 3 days to do 62 miles. Well people, were trapped for a whopping 3 days, to do a 62 miles (100 kilometers) journey, in a world class, world first, Guinness book world record traffic jam, that lasted for a mind-blowing 12 days.

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Which Indian city has the worst traffic?

In 2019, Bengaluru topped the list among all the cities across the globe while Mumbai, Pune and Delhi came 4th, 5th and 8th, respectively. The tenth edition of the global traffic index released on Wednesday said the overall congestion level in Mumbai was 53\%, which was 12\% less than that of 2019.

What does Btrac mean?

‘B-TRAC’ refers to the ‘Bangalore Traffic Improvement Project 2010. ‘ The project began in 2010. It is aimed at streamlining and better controlling traffic, especially in congested areas. The signs/markings indicate, those particular roads are a focus and part of the project.

What is the longest traffic jam in the world?

The longest traffic jam in the world was in the China National Highway 110, between Hebei and Inner Mongolia. The traffic jam slowed down thousands of vehicles. As hungry and thirsty drivers sat in their cars for days, vendors came by to sell instant noodles at four times their usual price and water at ten times.