
What are some interesting plots?

What are some interesting plots?

100 Plot Ideas

  • A world wherein employees work nonstop with no vacation—a riot ensues.
  • Books are printed in only gibberish, and the only man in the world who can read gibberish just died/is dying.
  • The world split in half—right down the middle—and no one knows why.
  • The president banned all national holidays.

What are some good ideas for fictional?

Fiction Prompts – Ideas for Stories

  • a hitchhiker, an allergy, and a mistake in a map.
  • a cemetery, a missing dog, and a joke that goes too far.
  • a Halloween costume, a stapler, and a complaint between neighbors.
  • a stolen phone, a love song, and a bet.
  • a dance competition, an engagement ring, and a worried parent.

What are some plot cliches?

Here are some of the most used short story clichés and why authors should stop using them:

  • It was all a dream/game/hallucination.
  • Non-human point-of-view twists.
  • Racial/cultural/genderstereotypes.
  • Evil human race.
  • “Little did he know.”
  • Trophy references.
  • Happily ever after.
  • “In the beginning…”
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How do you come up with a twist?

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists

  1. Approach your story as a reader.
  2. Use subtle misdirection.
  3. Use even subtler foreshadowing.
  4. Let your characters create the plot twists.
  5. Ensure your twist is believable and necessary – and makes sense.
  6. Disguise a plot twist… within a plot twist.

How do you write a surprise ending?

5 Tips for Writing a Good Plot Twist

  1. Kill off a seemingly important character.
  2. Let your character discover a plot twist organically.
  3. Elevate a seemingly minor character.
  4. Have your big reveal instigate a twist ending.
  5. Make sure your plot twist is earned.