
What are some signs of a person with a serious gambling problem?

What are some signs of a person with a serious gambling problem?


  • Being preoccupied with gambling, such as constantly planning how to get more gambling money.
  • Needing to gamble with increasing amounts of money to get the same thrill.
  • Trying to control, cut back or stop gambling, without success.
  • Feeling restless or irritable when you try to cut down on gambling.

What do you do when someone you love has a gambling problem?

Suggestions include:

  • Inform the gambler of the negative impact that their gambling is having on you.
  • Don’t try to take control of the gambler’s life.
  • Let the gambler know you want to help.
  • Relate to them as an equal person.
  • Support them in their struggle, but don’t take on their burden.

What are 4 other problems that can be related with pathological gambling?

People with pathological gambling behavior tend to have personal, financial, and legal problems, including bankruptcy, divorce, job loss, and prison time. The stress of gambling can also lead to heart attacks in people at risk for them. The right treatment can help prevent many of these problems.

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How do I deal with my husband’s gambling addiction?

How to Confront a Gambler

  1. Urge your husband or wife to get professional help.
  2. Be assertive so that they know you’re serious.
  3. Do not make threats.
  4. Follow through on every point you make.
  5. Focus on the issue at hand, not past behavior.
  6. Tell them you will no longer bail them out of their gambling debts.

What is gambling and who is a pathological gambler?

Pathological gambling: A mental disorder characterized by a continuous or periodic loss of control over gambling, a preoccupation with gambling and with obtaining money with which to gamble, irrational thinking, and a continuation of the behavior despite adverse consequences.