
What are some walkie talkie sayings?

What are some walkie talkie sayings?

walkie talkie lingo

  • 10-1 – “I need to go the bathroom” (number 1)
  • 10-2 – “I need to go the bathroom” (number 2)
  • 10-4 – “I understood the message”
  • 20 – Location; as in, “What’s your 20?”
  • Copy – “I heard and understood the message”
  • Go Again – “I did not understand the message, please repeat”.

How do you say goodbye on a walkie talkie?

In a usual conversation a “bye, see you later” would suffice. But in walkie talkie language a clear ending is essential: Out (I’m finished transmitting for now) Over (I’ve finished my part of the transmission ready for your reply)

Is it correct to say over and out?

In other words, “over” is used in the middle of a exchange, while “out” is used only to end one. So saying “Over and out” would be nonsensical in the real world of air traffic control, police dispatchers, and so on. In other words “Wilco” means both “Roger” and “Wilco,” so saying both words is redundant.

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Do people really say over on radios?

“OVER” is common radio lingo and lets the other person know you’ve finished speaking. There’s no point doing much more than identifying yourself and the recipient at this point. When you know you have the other person’s attention and they’re able to join the conversation, you can transmit the rest of your message.

What does Roger and Wilco mean?

So, in short, “Roger” means “r” which stands for “received.” The word “Roger” means nothing more. Taking it a step further, some may know “Roger” as part of the full reply “Roger Wilco.” Translated into typical English, that phrase actually means “Received, will comply.”

How do you talk in a walkie talkie?

How to start a Walkie-Talkie conversation

  1. Open the Walkie-Talkie app on your Apple Watch.
  2. Tap a friend.
  3. Touch and hold the talk button, then say something. If you see “connecting” on the screen, wait for Walkie-Talkie to connect. After Walkie-Talkie connects, your friend can hear your voice and talk with you instantly.
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What does 104 mean in text?

What does 10-4 mean? Roger that! 10-4 is a way of saying “message received” in radio communications. It’s also used as a way to “you got it.”