
What are the 5 traffic rules?

What are the 5 traffic rules?

  • Never Drink & Drive.
  • Always Wear Seat Belt.
  • Keep a Safe Distance from the vehicle ahead.
  • Always Avoid Distractions.
  • Never Break Red Signal.
  • Always Drive Within Speed Limit.
  • Avoid the Drowsiness While Driving.
  • Watch Out For Drivers On the Road.

What traffic law is most frequently broken?

Driving without the proper documentation As one of the most commonly broken driving laws, cops hand out tickets every year for expired, revoked, or suspended licenses, as well as invalid registrations, lack of insurance, and simply not having their license with them.

What are the main traffic rules?

7 Most Important Traffic Rules to follow in India

  1. Do Not Drink and Drive.
  2. Always Own Valid Car Insurance Policy.
  3. Wear your seatbelt while Driving a Car.
  4. Riding a Two-Wheeler without a Helmet On.
  5. Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.
  6. Over Speeding.
  7. Jumping the Red Light.
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What state is it illegal to eat and drive?

While there are laws prohibiting drinking and driving and texting and driving, there is no official eating and driving law in Mississippi.

Can you tell some traffic rules answer?

Never Drink & Drive. Always Wear Seat Belt. Keep a Safe Distance from the vehicle ahead. Always Drive Within Speed Limit.

Is drinking juice while driving illegal?

So, while it is not illegal for a driver to eat, drink or smoke while driving, the police could still issue penalty points and a fine if they find that the driver was distracted while driving.

What are the three basic rules that you should follow in order to be safe in the laboratory room?

Basic Safety Rules

  • Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewashstations, and fire extinguishers.
  • Know emergency exit routes.
  • Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.
  • Minimize all chemical exposures.
  • No horseplay will be tolerated.
  • Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.