
What are the 5 types of pie?

What are the 5 types of pie?

21 Different Types of Pies You Have to Try

  • Pecan Pie.
  • Apple Pie.
  • Pumpkin Pie.
  • Key Lime Pie.
  • Cherry Pie.
  • Lemon Meringue Pie.
  • Sugar Cream Pie.
  • Cheesecake.

How many different kinds of pie are there?

Pies, tarts and flans

Name Origin Type
Cheese pie United States Sweet
Cherry pie Worldwide Sweet
Chess pie United Kingdom, United States Sweet
Chestnut pie Italy, United States Savory or sweet

What’s the best type of pie?

For Pi Day, Here Are the 31.4 Best Pies, Ranked

  1. Apple Pie. It’s a tall burden, embodying the innocence and idealism of an entire nation, and apple pie shoulders it without a hint of strain.
  2. Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.
  3. Chicken Pot Pie.
  4. Cherry Pie.
  5. Key Lime Pie.
  6. Pumpkin Pie.
  7. Lemon Meringue Pie.
  8. Peach Pie.
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What is the most popular type of pie?

apple pie
And the vote is in: America’s favorite pie is apple pie. As we wrote about in our blog on the history of apple pie, today’s apple pie is quite unlike the delicious dessert’s predecessor. In fact, the pies were once made with hard, inedible crusts that simply served to preserve the pie’s contents.

Is a type of pie that does not have a top crust?

A single Crust Pie is a pie that does not have a top Crust. It only has the bottom Crust that lines the pie plate and holds the filling.

How did pie get its name?

“Pie” was the word for a magpie before it was a word for a pastry, from the Latin word for the bird, Pica (whence the name of the disorder that makes you eat weird things). Pica morphed into “pie” in Old French, following the proud French tradition of actually pronouncing as few consonants as possible.

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What’s the best kind of pie?