
What are the different IP classes discuss each briefly and give example?

What are the different IP classes discuss each briefly and give example?

IP Header Classes:

Class Address Range Example IP
IP Class A 1 to 126
IP Class B 128 to 191
IP Class C 192 to 223 192.1.11.
IP Class D 224 to 239 NA

What are the different IP classes?

Designing Your IP Addressing Scheme

Class Range Network Address
A 0-127 xxx
B 128-191 xxx . xxx
C 192-223 xxx . xxx . xxx

What are the 5 IP classes?

In the IPv4 IP address space, there are five classes: A, B, C, D and E. Each class has a specific range of IP addresses (and ultimately dictates the number of devices you can have on your network). Primarily, class A, B, and C are used by the majority of devices on the Internet.

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What are the different ipv4 classes where is each of it used?

255.255 are reserved for future use. IPv4 address classes A to C identify single hosts, and are called unicast addresses….Table 6: IPv4 Internet address ranges.

Class Range

What is the class of IP address with example?

IP address classes

Class Leading bits End address
Class A 0
Class B 10
Class C 110
Class D (multicast) 1110

What is Class A Class B Class C network?

If the first number is between 0 and 127 inclusive, the address is class A. If the first number is between 128 and 191 inclusive, the address is class B. If the first number is between 192 and 223 inclusive, the address is class C. If the first number is between 224 and 239 inclusive, the address is class D.

What are IPv4 classes?

An IPv4 address class is a categorical division of internet protocol addresses in IPv4-based routing. Separate IP classes are used for different types of networks. Some are used for public internet-accessible IPs and subnets, that is, those networks behind a router (as in classes A, B and C).

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What are IP classes and how can you identify the IP class of given an IP address?

How to identify the IP class from a given IP address?

  • If it begins with 0, then it’s a Class A network.
  • If it begins with 10, then it’s a Class B network.
  • If it begins with 110, then it’s a Class C network.
  • If it begins with 1110, then it’s a Class D network.
  • If it begins with 1111, then it’s a Class E network.

What is an example of an IP address class?

This IP address class is used when there are a large number of hosts. In a Class A type of network, the first 8 bits (also called the first octet) identify the network, and the remaining have 24 bits for the host into that network. An example of a Class A address is

How many IP classes are there in the world?

There are five IP classes. – Class A: The class A is used for very large networks. There are 1 to 126 are part of this class. That means there are 126 Class A networks. Class A networks accounts for half of the total available IP addresses.

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What is the difference between Class D and Class E IP addresses?

Example for a Class D IP address: Class E IP address is defined by including the starting four network address bits as 1, which allows you two to incorporate addresses from to However, E class is reserved, and its usage is never defined.

What are the different classes of IP addresses used for subnetting?

We can use IP address classes A, B, and C for subnetting and supernetting in a computer network. You can use a simple online tool to find out the class of any IP address. Summarizing different classes of IP address with its range and applications: