
What are the different problems agriculture farming in the Philippines?

What are the different problems agriculture farming in the Philippines?

Long standing challenges that hamper productivity include limited access to credit and agricultural insurance, low farm mechanization and inadequate postharvest facilities, inadequate irrigation, scant support for research and development (R&D), weak extension service, incomplete agrarian reform program implementation.

What are the common problems of the farmers in the Philippines?

The results revealed that common problems encountered by rice farmers were: high cost of inputs, low price of palay, lack of capital, labor problem, lack of postharvest facilities, pest and diseases and irrigation system.

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What are the problems faced by farmers in agriculture?

Biggest problems faced by farmers in India?

  • Small and fragmented land-holdings:
  • Seeds:
  • Manures, Fertilizers and Biocides:
  • Irrigation:
  • Lack of mechanisation:
  • Soil erosion:
  • Agricultural Marketing:
  • Scarcity of capital:

What is the current issue and status of Philippine agriculture?

Agriculture managed to grow by 0.5 percent in the second quarter of 2020. Production in crops and fisheries recorded increases while livestock and poultry posted declines. Crops registered a 5.0 percent growth in production.

What are the disadvantages of precision farming in the Philippine setting?


  • Initial capital costs may be high and so it should be seen as a long-term investment.
  • It may take several years before you have sufficient data to fully implement the system.
  • Extremely demanding work particularly collecting and then analysing the data.

How can we solve agricultural problems in the Philippines?

  1. What can be done.
  2. Encourage investments in agriculture that promote area-based development.
  3. Prioritize investments that can increase and sustain productivity.
  4. Ensure well-functioning irrigation systems and an efficient transport infrastructure.
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What are the disadvantages of precision farming?

What are the disadvantages of precision farming?

  • High capital costs may discourage farmers to not adopt this method of farming.
  • Precision agriculture techniques are still under development and requires expert advice before actual implementation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of precision farming?

For the precision farmers, the most important advantages of this technology are better organization and yield increase (in quantity and in quality) and the increase in profit. The most important disadvantages are the increase of human resource demand and working time.

What are three major issues in agriculture today?

Here is a list of the 11 biggest issues facing agriculture in 2020.

  1. Farm Income. From the trade war to MFP and commodity markets, farm income will have several moving pieces in 2020.
  2. Farm Finances.
  3. African Swine Fever.
  4. Trade War.
  5. Drama in D.C.
  6. U.S. Economy.
  7. Global Unrest.
  8. Acreage Debate.