
What are the electrical formulas?

What are the electrical formulas?

Electrical Resistance Formulas

Quantity DC Single Phase AC
Voltage (V) V = I x R V = P / I V = √ (P x R) V = P/(I x Cosθ) V = I / Z
Power (P) P = IV P = I2R P = V2/R P = V x I x Cosθ P = I2 x R x Cosθ P = (V2/R) x Cosθ
Resistance (R) R = V/I R = P/I2 R = V2/P Z = √(R2 + XL2) Z = √(R2 + XC2) Z = √(R2 + (XL– XC)2

What kind of math is used in electrical engineering?

Mathematics is a big part of an engineer’s daily work, including statistics, calculus, algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

What is power formula in electrical engineering?

Power = force multiplied by speed (velocity) P = F × v.

How many formulas are there in electricity?

Electricity Formulas

Quantity Formulas Unit
Voltage V V = E / Q or V = W / Q E = Energy, W = Work done Volts (V)
Resistance R R = ρl / A ρ = Resistivity, l = length, A = Area or, R = V / I Ohm (Ω)
Power P P = VI Watts (W)
Conductivity σ sigma = 1 / ρ Siemens per meter (S/m)
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What are the electrical engineering formulas and equations?

Following are the electrical engineering formulas and equations for the basic quantities i.e. current, voltage, power, resistance and impedance in both DC and AC circuits (single phase and three phase). VL = √3 VPH or VL = √3 EPH … [ Star Connection] VL = VPH … [ Delta Connection]

How do you calculate VL in Electrical Engineering?

Following are the electrical engineering formulas and equations for the basic quantities i.e. current, voltage, power, resistance and impedance in both DC and AC circuits (single phase and three phase). VL = √3 VPH or VL = √3 EPH … [ Star Connection]

Do you have formulas for your electrical exam?

Must Have Formulas for Your Electrical Exam – Will Help You Pass! Write these formulas for your electrical exam in your code book, you’ll be glad you did. Most testing centers allow short notes – only write important ones! Before we go any further, click here to receive our Electrical Formulas Cheat Sheet.

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What is the formula to calculate electric power?

Electric Power Formulas 1 P = V x I Cosθ 2 P = I2 x R Cosθ 3 P = (V2/R) Cosθ