
What are the examples of contemporary issues?

What are the examples of contemporary issues?

Top 10 Current Global Issues

  • Climate Change. The global temperatures are rising, and are estimated to increase from 2.6 degrees Celsius to 4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100.
  • Pollution.
  • Violence.
  • Security and Well Being.
  • Lack of Education.
  • Unemployment.
  • Government Corruption.
  • Malnourishment & Hunger.

What is the contemporary in the Philippines?

Contemporary music in the Philippines usually refers to compositions that have adopted ideas and elements from twentieth century art music in the West, as well as the latest trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry. This brief introduction covers only the works written by the art music composers.

What are the contemporary issues in society?

Topics may include: abortion, world poverty, animal rights, immigration, physician-assisted suicide, freedom of religion, hate speech, cloning, income inequality, pornography, gun rights, racial profiling, capital punishment, overpopulation, prostitution, drug legalization, torture.

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How can we solve pollution in the Philippines?

For everyone:

  1. Talk to people on what they can do about air pollution.
  2. Report smoke-belchers to LTO, MMDA, and/or the appropriate local government units.
  3. Walk or ride your bike to places.
  4. Take the bus or mass rail transit whenever you can.
  5. Work with residential associations to stop burning of garbage.
  6. Plant trees.

What are contemporary practices?

Follow Contemporary Practices Contemporary practices combines skill-based instruction—from drawing to new technology—with studio-based methods of conceptual exploration and artistic research.

How do Filipino artists contribute to contemporary?

FILIPINO artists play a role in presenting and educating the public about our history and identity. Many artists are doing work, artist collectives are thriving, and the market is strong. The discourse is higher. One of the aims of PCAN is to consolidate and harness the resources of Philippine contemporary art.”