
What are the important vaccines for babies?

What are the important vaccines for babies?


National Immunization Schedule
Vaccine When to give Dose
For Infants
BCG At birth or as early as possible till one year of age 0.1ml (0.05ml until 1 month of age)
Hepatitis B Birth dose At birth or as early as possible within 24 hours 0.5 ml

What are the functions of PHC?

Primary Health Centre (India)

  • Provision of medical care.
  • Maternal-child health including family planning.
  • Safe water supply and basic sanitation.
  • Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases.
  • Collection and reporting of vital statistics.
  • Education about health.
  • National health programmes, as relevant.
  • Referral services.

Is it OK to immunize a child with cough?

Children can still get vaccines – even with a fever or mild illness. Because a mild illness does not affect how well the body responds to a vaccine, your child can still be vaccinated if he or she has: A low grade fever. A cold, runny nose, or cough.

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When do newborns get their vaccines?

Birth to 15 Months

Vaccine 2 mos 12 mos
Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis (DTaP: <7 yrs) 1st dose
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 1st dose ←3rd or 4th dose, See notes→
Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) 1st dose ←4th dose→
Inactivated poliovirus (IPV: <18 yrs) 1st dose ←3rd dose→

What is the difference between CHC and PHC?

The primary tier is designed to have three types of health care institutions, namely, a Sub-Centre (SC) for a population of 3000-5000, a Primary Health Centre (PHC) for 20000 to 30000 people and a Community Health Centre (CHC) as referral centre for every four PHCs covering a population of 80,000 to 1.2 lakh.

Is primary health care free in India?

Public healthcare is free for every Indian resident. The Indian public health sector encompasses 18\% of total outpatient care and 44\% of total inpatient care.

Can my baby have their Immunisations if she has a cold?

If your baby has had a fever or been very unwell, you should put off her immunisations until she is better. But if your baby has had a minor illness for a few days, such as a cough or a cold, without a fever, she can still have her immunisations.

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Can babies get whooping cough after vaccination?

Sometimes, children can catch whooping cough even if they have been immunised. But the illness will be less serious and they often get better quicker. This means they are contagious for a shorter period of time, so are less likely to spread whooping cough to others.