
What are the main features of computer generation?

What are the main features of computer generation?

E-mail, Internet and mobile communication are developed. Advanced, user-friendly, web page software are developed. Size, cost, power requirement, heat generation decreased compared to the previous generation. Operating speed, storage capacity ,use of computer increased compared to the previous generation.

What are the main features of third generation computers?

Characteristics of third generation computers include:

  • Integrated circuits instead of individual transistors.
  • Smaller, cheaper, more efficient and faster than second generation computers.
  • High-level programming languages.
  • Magnetic storage.

Is example 2nd generation of computer?

Examples of the second generation computers include IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108.

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What are the features of computer?

Characteristics of Computer System

  • Speed. A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations.
  • Accuracy. Computers perform calculations with 100\% accuracy.
  • Diligence.
  • Versatility.
  • Reliability.
  • Memory.

What are the main features of fourth generation computer?

Features of fourth generation computer are:

  • The fourth-generation computers have microprocessor-based systems.
  • The fourth-generation computers use VLSI circuits.
  • Improved speed, accuracy and reliability are seen.
  • Refinement of the input/output devices seen.

What are the advantages of second generation computers?

Advantages of second-generation computers: It is more reliable. Uses less power and generates less heat. The speed of the second generation is faster as compared to the first generation. Second generation computers have improved accuracy and offer better portability.

What are the devices in 2nd generation?

They are also known as transistor computers. The second generation of computers consists of two types of devices, transistors, and magnetic core. The transistors helped to develop a better computer than the first generation computers consisting of vacuum tubes.

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What are the features of fourth generation computers?

The main characteristics of fourth generation of computers (1970s-present)

  • Main electronic component – very large-scale integration (VLSI) and microprocessor.
  • VLSI– thousands of transistors on a single microchip.
  • Memory – semiconductor memory (such as RAM, ROM, etc.)

What is the third generation of computer?

The third generation of computer is marked by the use of Integrated Circuits (IC’s) in place of transistors. A single I.C has many transistors, resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The I.C was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient.