
What are the pros of the Electoral College system who favors it quizlet?

What are the pros of the Electoral College system who favors it quizlet?

1) The Electoral College gives states power in our federal system. 2) The Electoral College encourages more person-to-person campaigning by candidates, as they spend time in both the big cities and smaller cities in battleground states.

What is the purpose of the Electoral College in simple terms?

The United States Electoral College is a name used to describe the official 538 Presidential electors who come together every four years during the presidential election to give their official votes for President and Vice President of the United States.

Why does the Electoral College matter quizlet?

arguments for the electoral college: promotes unity in the nation by requiring a candidate to have support from various regions in order to be elected. a candidate cannot receive support from only one region and expect to be president regardless of the size of the population. enhances the status of minority groups.

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Who comprises the electoral college?

When people cast their vote, they are actually voting for a group of people called electors. The number of electors each state gets is equal to its total number of Senators and Representatives in Congress. A total of 538 electors form the Electoral College. Each elector casts one vote following the general election.

What are some informal job requirements for the presidency?

Terms in this set (5)

  • Experience in government or high military rank. Government experienced.
  • Ability to raise large amounts of money. raise lots of money.
  • Political beliefs- be a fit for a major party. beliefs.
  • Personal characteristics- mental stability.
  • Skill in debating and in fielding leading questions from reporters.

What effect does the electoral college seem to have on the chances of a third party quizlet?

What effect does the Electoral college seem to have on the chances of a third-party or independent candidate? The electoral college could possibly get them elected. This is because they aren’t going to get any popular votes so they are soley relying on the electoral college.