
What are the three main routing protocols used in current Internet?

What are the three main routing protocols used in current Internet?

Although there are many types of routing protocols, three major classes are in widespread use on IP networks:

  • Interior gateway protocols type 1, link-state routing protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS.
  • Interior gateway protocols type 2, distance-vector routing protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol, RIPv2, IGRP.

Why would you use OSPF as a routing protocol select the best response?

OSPF routing protocol has complete knowledge of network topology, allowing routers to calculate routes based on incoming requests. OSPF protocol has no limitations in hop count, unlike RIP protocol that has only 15 hops at most. So OSPF converges faster than RIP and has better load balancing.

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How does a routing protocol differ from a routed protocol?

You must know the difference between a “routed” protocol and a “routing protocol”. A routed protocol is a protocol by which data can be routed. A routing protocol, on the other hand, is only used between routers. Its purpose is to help routers building and maintain routing tables.

What is difference between routing protocol and routed protocol?

A routing protocol is different and is only used between routers. It makes possible for routers to build and maintain routing tables. A routed protocol is a protocol by which data can be routed.

What routing protocol does ISP use?

BGP is always used as the routing protocol of choice between different ISPs, which is known as external BGP. Large ISPs also use BGP as the core routing protocol within their own networks, which is called internal BGP.

Why do we classify routing protocols?

A routing protocol is a protocol that specifies how routers communicate with each other, disseminating information that enables them to select routes between any two nodes on a computer network, the choice of the route being done by routing algorithms.

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What is the highest priority among the following routing protocols?

Table 2-1 lists the default external priorities. When different routing protocols are configured with the same priority, the system selects the optimal route based on the internal priority….Route Priority.

Routing Protocol or Route Type Route Priority
Direct 0
IS-IS 15
Static 60