
What are the three new Agent Orange presumptive diseases?

What are the three new Agent Orange presumptive diseases?

As a result of the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, VA added three new conditions that are related to exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides: bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, and Parkinsonism (also known as Parkinson-like conditions).

What is a VA presumptive condition?

What is “Presumptive” Service Connection? VA presumes that certain disabilities were caused by military service. This is because of the unique circumstances of a specific Veteran’s military service. If a presumed condition is diagnosed in a Veteran within a certain group, they can be awarded disability compensation.

What is the VA rating for Parkinson’s?

The minimum VA disability rating for Parkinson’s disease is 30\%. However, you must consider other important factors that can increase this rating to 100\%. While you may be awarded 30\%, that rating alone may be incomplete. The 30\% rating is the starting point.

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Is Hypothyroidism a VA presumptive?

Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116-283), adding three conditions to the list of those presumptively associated with exposure to herbicide agents, more commonly known as Agent Orange. Those conditions are bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism.

What are VA secondary conditions?

A secondary condition, according to the VA, is any physical or psychological problem that is worsened by a service-related disability. A secondary condition could have been something a veteran suffered from before they entered the military that was worsened by a service-related injury.

What conditions are covered by VA benefits?

You may be able to get VA disability benefits for conditions such as:

  • Chronic (long-lasting) back pain resulting in a current diagnosed back disability.
  • Breathing problems resulting from a current lung condition or lung disease.
  • Severe hearing loss.
  • Scar tissue.
  • Loss of range of motion (problems moving your body)
  • Ulcers.

Can you get attendance allowance if you have Parkinson’s?

You may be able to get Attendance Allowance if you’re aged 65 or over. You may be entitled to Carer’s Allowance if you’re caring for someone with Parkinson’s disease. You may be eligible for other benefits if you have children living at home or if you have a low household income.