
What are things girls wish guys knew?

What are things girls wish guys knew?

30 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew

  • Nice guys do not finish last.
  • It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Stop posting selfies.
  • It is very unattractive to hear guys talk about sororities and their rankings.
  • Be the kind of guy you would want you sister to date.
  • Being smart is very attractive.

What girls wish guys do?

Things girls wish guys did more often

  • Surprise hugs from behind.
  • Playing with or running your fingers through her hair when the two of you cuddle together to watch a movie.
  • Offering your girlfriend a jacket or sweatshirt when she’s cold.

What girls wish boys knew Quora?

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Originally Answered: What girls wish boys knew? Dear Boys, We love seeing you smile. Making 1st move is also attractive.

What guys wish their crushes knew?

10 shocking things guys wish girls knew

  • Texting does not mean what you think it means.
  • You don’t need makeup to impress guys.
  • A lot of times, guys’ are at a loss with girls’ emotions.
  • Gossiping and being mean to others makes *you* look bad.
  • Boys worry about what you think of their hair, skin, weight and clothes.

What are 10 things guys wish girls knew?

Why are guys so confused about girls’ emotions?

Here’s the deal: boys are just as emotional as girls, but a lot of times, they don’t show it. That may explain why our guys are so confused about girls’ displays of emotions. Hang in there girl, and remember, there are some things guys just don’t get. 4. Gossiping and being mean to others makes *you* look bad.

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Do girls wear makeup to get them a guy?

“Girls at my school wear all this black crap on their eyes, and their lips are, like, thick with brown goop. It’s ugly. Do they really think that will get them a guy?” Don’t worry, we set Billy straight about one thing: Girls don’t apply makeup to “get them a guy.” We wear makeup because we like it, full stop.

Why do women always want to talk about their problems?

Many times, women want to talk about what’s going on just for the sake of talking. To know that someone is really listening to them, and is here to comfort them when times get rough. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But for men, it’s our instinct to come up with as many potential solutions to the problem as possible.

What makes a girl look bad in high school?

4. Gossiping and being mean to others makes *you* look bad. “Girls are always passing notes around or texting each other in class, and it’s just so friggin’ dumb,” says Joey. “Or they’ll look right at me, then whisper to each other and laugh.