
What are three ways we can improve food production?

What are three ways we can improve food production?

Strategies to increase food supply

  • Irrigation. Irrigation can double the amount of food produced.
  • Aeroponics and hydroponics. Aeroponics and hydroponics are systems that allow plants to be grown without soil.
  • The New Green Revolution. The Green Revolution first began in the 1940s.
  • Biotechnology and appropriate technology.

How do pests affect food production?

Plant pests and pathogens interfere with the growth and cause damage to cultivated and naturally growing plants. As a consequence, it is estimated that pre- and postharvest pests and diseases destroy at least 30–40\% of global agricultural production.

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What are the methods to increase crop production?

What Are The Ways To Increase Crop Yield?

  • Quality Of Seeds. Agricultural productivity depends on the quality of seeds with which farmers sow their fields.
  • Field Productivity Zoning.
  • Monitoring Crops Growth.
  • Accurate Weather Prediction.
  • Regular Scouting.
  • Crop Protection Methods.
  • Soil Testing & Its Quality.

Why is variety in crop plants important for food security?

Why is variety in crop plants important for “food security”? Varieties contain genes that, through conventional breeding, might confer resistance to disease. There were massive increases in production due to the use of crops better suited to advanced agriculture.

How can we increase local food production?

Proliferate farmers’ markets and community gardens. Increase local food production capacity to help bring prices down, making healthy local food accessible and affordable to more people. Influence local institutions—large employers, schools, government—to source more of their food locally.

How can different strategies be used to make food supplies more sustainable?

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Examples of permaculture include using organic farming, farming in the urban environment, making fish and meat supplies sustainable, eating seasonally and reducing food wastes. Farmers develop fertile soil by rotating crops and using compost, manure and clover.

Can plant pests affect humans?

In most cases, the answer is no. The fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes that cause disease in plants are very different from those that cause disease in humans and other animals.

How can pests affect humans?

Pests and their negative effects on people, pests are injurious to health. Pests can act as carriers for allergens which irritate people with sensitive medical conditions. Pest’s fecal dropping and shed skin can also become airborne, contaminating the air we breathe in.

What are the ways to increase production on agriculture fields Class 9?

Multiple cropping and the use of modern farming methods are the two common ways of increasing production on the same piece of land. Multiple cropping involves growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the year. For example, farmers in the western parts of Uttar Pradesh practise multiple cropping.

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How does increasing crop production affect the environment?

Agriculture contributes to a number larger of environmental issues that cause environmental degradation including: climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, dead zones, genetic engineering, irrigation problems, pollutants, soil degradation, and waste.

Why is it helpful to preserve many different varieties of plants?

What is crop conservation? ​Seeds and plant tissue contain all kinds of genetic information in their cells. Storing this genetic information–all the traits and characteristics of a plant–for future use is important. Unique characteristics in a species may provide the key to solving future breeding challenges.

Why is it important to raise many varieties of vegetables instead of only a few?

Crop diversity is fundamental to agricultural growth. Crop diversity enables farmers and plant breeders to develop higher yielding, more productive varieties that have the improved quality characteristics required by farmers and desired by consumers.