
What bands use auto-tune?

What bands use auto-tune?

Artists Who Have Used Auto-Tune

  • Akon. He uses it in his hit single “I’m So Paid”.
  • Alice Cooper. Uses it sometimes on his most recent album.
  • Alaska in Winter. Basically the electronic T-Pain, can’t go a song without using auto-tune.
  • Aphex Twin.
  • Attack Attack!
  • Natasha Bedingfield.
  • Black Eyed Peas.
  • Rebecca Black.

Do all music artists use autotune?

But auto-tune is generally much more subtle. “It’s pretty much used in 99\% of recorded music now,” says Daniel Griffiths, editor of music recording magazine Future Music. “I’ve spoken to engineers who have recorded really big artists – who I won’t name – and they just say it’s there on the mixing desk all the time.

Does Billie Eilish use Autotune live?

Billie Eilish uses some form of autotune when performing live or at least pre-recorded backing tracks, including some of her vocal tracks. But she is also known for occasionally performing with just an acoustic guitar and no backing tracks. In these moments, a change in vocals is heard.

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Do bands use Autotune live?

Many artists will rely on Auto-Tune and other pitch-correction tools in the studio, but the technology has advanced enough where singers can use it in concert, too.

Does Jin use Auto-Tune?

They have good voices but for some extrange reason even when they are just sat there like in Your Eyes Tell, they still use autotune. In that video JK, JM and Jin are singing live and without autone and you can hear their natural gorgeous voices! And it’s even the same mics they use to sing but the autone was turn off.

Does Travis Scott use Auto-Tune?

Artists like Travis Scott use Autotune with the retune speed on 100\%. This basically means that there is no flexibility in the vocal tuning. This enables their voice to go off pitch a little so that it sounds less robotic and more natural. Doing this enables their voice to sound angelic.