
What can I expect as a Navy reservist?

What can I expect as a Navy reservist?

Navy Reserve service is typically associated with part-time service. Nearly all Navy Reserve Sailors serve a minimum of one weekend a month, plus two weeks a year. There are flexible drilling options that enable you to serve on weekdays or on an extended mission to ensure you meet annual commitment requirements.

How long do you serve in the Navy reserves?

Service Commitment: For current or former servicemembers seeking Enlisted positions, the minimum Navy Reserve service requirement typically ranges from two to six years.

Do Navy Reserves stay home?

Reserve members are stationed near their home for weekend and two-week drill and training duties unless called into active service. Reservists can retire after 20 years of service with modified retirement benefits.

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How much do you make in the Navy reserves?

United States Navy Reserves Salaries

Job Title Salary
E7 – Navy – Chief Petty Officer salaries – 3 salaries reported $91,082/yr
O4 – Navy – Lieutenant Commander salaries – 3 salaries reported $1,142/mo
US Navy Enlisted salaries – 2 salaries reported $4,400/mo
United States Navy salaries – 2 salaries reported $49,232/yr

How often do Navy reservists deploy?

At any given time there are thousands of Reservist Sailors deployed around the world. I’m in an Expeditionary Unit so they are always taking volunteers to deploy, however, it’s expected that your rotation will be approximately every three years, for a time period of approximately one year.

How long is Navy Reserve basic training?

seven to nine weeks
Navy Reserve training, like full-time Navy training, begins with seven to nine weeks of Boot Camp at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois.

How long is Navy Reserve training?

Before Serving in the Navy Reserve All enlisted Navy reservists must take the ASVAB test to determine placement within the Service. Navy Reserve training, like full-time Navy training, begins with seven to nine weeks of Boot Camp at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois.

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Is it a good idea to join the reserves?

Joining the Reserve Component of the military is a great way to serve your country. You will also earn valuable benefits without giving up your civilian employment or schooling.

Do you get health insurance in the Navy reserves?

The Tricare Reserve Select (TRS) program is a premium based health insurance plan that is available worldwide. It is available for qualified members of the Selected Reserve and their families. TRS, like other Tricare programs requires that you pay a monthly premium to receive insurance coverage.