
What can you get NJP for?

What can you get NJP for?

Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) is known by different terms among the services, such as “Article 15,” “Office Hours,” or “Captain’s Mast.” The purpose of NJP is to discipline service members for minor offenses such as reporting late for duty, petty theft, destroying government property, sleeping on watch, providing false …

What does NJP mean in Marines?

Non-Judicial Punishment
Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice authorizes a Marine’s commanding officer to impose Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) for minor offenses without referring the Marine’s case to a court-martial.

How long does an NJP stay on your military record?

For Army E-4s and below (prior to punishment), the record of NJP (DA Form 2627) is filed locally and destroyed at the end of 2 years from the date of punishment or upon transfer to a new General Court-Martial Convening Authority (GCMCA).

How long does the NJP process take?

NJP / AdSep / Court-Martial Flowchart For Defense Services * Each step in the process takes time, which can vary widely in duration. From start to finish, the process takes at a minimum 2 months and can take over a year to complete.

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What is an example of NJP?

Examples of Non-Judicial Punishments Restriction to specified limits (not more than 60 days) Arrest in quarters (not more than 30 days) Forfeiture of pay (not more than ½ of one month’s base pay for two months; base pay does not include allowances or special pay); and. Admonition or reprimand.

Is NJP a conviction?

An NJP is not a conviction but it can absolutely follow you around, even after you’ve been discharged from military service.

Is an NJP a conviction?

Is a NJP a misdemeanor?

For years, the boilerplate advice given to clients is that, if the evidence is decidedly against them, they should take the NJP because it will not follow them outside the military or result in a criminal record. After all, it is not a conviction (misdemeanor or felony) and is a purely military action.

Can an NJP be overturned?

NJP appeals must be submitted in writing within five calendar days of the imposition of NJP, or the right to appeal shall be waived in the absence of good cause shown. The appeal period begins to run from the date of the imposition of NJP, even though any part or all of the punishment imposed is suspended.

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