
What countries have landmine problems?

What countries have landmine problems?

The areas most affected by land mines include: Egypt (23 million, mostly in border regions); Angola (9-15 million); Iran (16 million); Afghanistan (about 10 million); Iraq (10 million); China (10 million); Cambodia (up to 10 million); Mozambique (about 2 million); Bosnia (2-3 million); Croatia (2 million); Somalia (up …

Why are land mines a danger for countries?

A land mine may cause damage by direct blast effect, by fragments that are thrown by the blast, or by both. The use of land mines is controversial because of their potential as indiscriminate weapons. They can remain dangerous many years after a conflict has ended, harming civilians and the economy.

Which country has the most landmine deaths?

IEDs – the next generation Sadly, in areas such as Afghanistan, where the highest number of casualties have been recorded over the past 20 years, the threat is not from standard landmines but from homemade buried IEDs.

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Which country has the most unexploded mines?

Around the world

Rank Country Mines (millions)
1 Egypt 23
2 Iran 16
3 Afghanistan 10
4 Angola 10

Do people survive land mines?

They support the work of the Geneva-based International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which serves as an umbrella organization of more than 1,200 NGOs in around 100 countries. Two-thirds of land mine victims survive with serious injuries, but many are left with permanent disabilities.

Is it legal to own land mines?

Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty.

Can you run through a minefield?

Probe at an angle, rather than straight down, since mines are usually detonated from top-down pressure. Once you’ve cleared a small area, move forward and continue probing. It’s safest to move through the field very slowly and on your belly, rather than walking through.