
What did the Ancient One realize in endgame?

What did the Ancient One realize in endgame?

The Ancient One didn’t want to give the Time Stone in Avengers: Endgame, but she realized that Doctor Strange had a plan evidenced in her dialog. The Ancient One’s (Tilda Swinton) line about making a mistake in Avengers: Endgame further proves of Doctor Strange’s (Benedict Cumberbatch) plan.

Why did the Ancient One trust Hulk?

It’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone.” The Ancient One is then shocked realizing that Strange would only have given up the stone to Thanos for a good reason, the Ancient One decided to trust in her future successor, handing over the Time Stone to Hulk. …

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Is Strange stronger than the Ancient One?

Ancient one will stomp Doctor Strange. Actually Many people believe that in movies thanos didn’t attack Earth due to the likes of odin and Ancient one. She can literally punch out the soul from body into astral form. She draw power from dark realm hence she is more powerful compare to others.

Does the Ancient One know Thanos?

The Ancient One may have known about Thanos’ existence and perhaps even been aware that he was seeking the Infinity Stones, like many other beings no doubt, but she wouldn’t have had any foresight of his ultimate victory or how rapidly he filled up the spaces in his gauntlet, and this partly accounts for why she trusts …

Why did the Ancient One make a mistake?

She didn’t trust Bruce on his word, that was her mistake as she got to know Strange gave the infinity stone to Thanos. She knew he did it for a reason as he was one of the best of them. And so she gave Bruce the stone. It was words just Wordplay because Bruce gets annoyed and says that Dr.

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Why did Dr Strange give up the stone?

During the final act of Avengers Infinity War, Iron Man was about to be killed by Thanos on Titan. However, Doctor Strange willingly gave up the Time Stone to spare Tony Stark’s life. As a result, Thanos managed to collect all six Infinity Stones and snap away half the universe, including the Sorcerer Supreme himself.

Who is stronger Doctor Strange or Captain Marvel?

In terms of overall power level, Dr. Strange far outclasses Captain Marvel. Dr. Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth’s dimension — literally the mightiest sorcerer in the entire universe.

Is Wanda stronger than the Ancient One?

Both Agatha Harkness and the Ancient One used dark magic to prolong their lives, and the Masters of the Mystic Arts use all sorts of spells to defend themselves and the world. If he’s not, he will be soon – and even then, Wanda is still more powerful than the Ancient One ever was.