
What do you know about the military forces of Pakistan?

What do you know about the military forces of Pakistan?

According to Global Firepower, the Pakistan Armed Forces are ranked as the 10th most powerful military in the world….Troop strength.

Service Total active-duty personnel Total reserve
Army 560,000 550,000
Navy 54,100 5,000
Air Force 70,000 8,000
Paramilitary Forces 482,000 Unknown

Is Pakistan’s Army rich or poor?

Pakistan is desperately poor. Its army is rich beyond belief. How come? There’s a lot more to Pakistan’s constant aggression towards India. It’s a useful veil for one of Pakistan’s most stark truths, about how its army has taken over its biggest businesses. I have been writing a lot about the Pakistani army lately.

Why does Pakistan have no money for its defence budget?

Even the World Bank has suggested Pakistan put a cap on its defence budgets. This perhaps explains how when Pakistan doesn’t have enough money to pay for its exports, the manner in which it is maintaining terrorist camps at such high costs. The answer is — Pakistan has no money but its army is cash-flush. Pakistan is desperately poor.

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Why does the Pakistani Army keep establishing businesses across Pakistan?

The Pakistani army took advantage of its authority and kept establishing businesses across Pakistan by reportedly eschewing competitors in the most unethical business competition the world is yet to know.

Why does Pakistan have no money to pay for its exports?

This perhaps explains how when Pakistan doesn’t have enough money to pay for its exports, the manner in which it is maintaining terrorist camps at such high costs. The answer is — Pakistan has no money but its army is cash-flush. Pakistan is desperately poor. But its army is flush with cash.