
What does Garda Siochana mean in English?

What does Garda Siochana mean in English?

guardians of the peace
The Garda Síochána (also commonly referred to as the Gardaí) is the national police force. The name Garda Síochána in English means ‘guardians of the peace’. The Garda Síochána has responsibility for carrying out all policing duties in the Irish State.

What are the Garda ranks?


  • Deputy Commissioner.
  • Assistant Commissioner.
  • Surgeon.
  • Chief Superintendent.
  • Superintendent. 180.
  • Inspector. 320.
  • Sergeant. 2,050.
  • Do you have to tell a Garda your name?

    The Garda is entitled to stop you in order to detect and prevent crime. However, if the Garda has reasonable grounds for suspecting that you committed an offence, the Garda can use a statutory power to demand your name and address. If you refuse to provide them, then the Garda can arrest you.

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    Can you have tattoos in the Garda?

    Gardaí must not have visible face or neck tattoos, men’s hair is to be short above the ear, women’s hair can be collar length or tied up and tucked away under the hat, never over the eyebrows or the face, with no visible buns or ponytails and definitely “no combination of unnatural colours”.

    Can a Garda have a second job?

    The work was done in his spare time. Under the Garda code, members of An Garda Síochána are forbidden from taking other employment in a wide range of jobs, including security.

    What age can a Garda retired?

    age 60
    Members of the Garda Síochána must retire by age 60. If they joined after 2004, they can choose to retire as early as age 55.

    What are police called in Ireland?

    Garda Síochána
    Law enforcement in Ireland The Republic of Ireland has one national civilian police force, called “An Garda Síochána”, meaning ‘Guardians of the Peace of Ireland’. It has 14,500 staff members and provides both local and national law enforcement services. It is commonly referred to as “Garda”.

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    What does Garda mean in Spanish?


    Principal Translations
    Inglés Español
    garda, plural: gardai n (police officer: Republic of Ireland) garda nf Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.
    guardia cívica loc nom f

    Is it hard to become a Garda?

    Unfortunately, it is not easy to become a member of An Garda Síochána. To do this, you must prove yourself by navigating through a rigorous selection process. This process will not be made any easier by the vast numbers of people who will be applying for the recruitment campaign.

    Is sleeping in your car illegal in Ireland?

    It’s not illegal to sleep in your car but it may be illegal where you park it.