
What does GNFC stand for?

What does GNFC stand for?


Acronym Definition
GNFC Good News Family Care (Derbyshire, UK)
GNFC Greater Niagara Frontier Council (Boy Scouts of America; Buffalo, NY)
GNFC Generalized Nyquist Filter Construction (wireless signals)
GNFC Good News Fellowship Church (Stevens Point, WI)

Who is the owner of Gnfc?

Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd (GNFC) – Company Information

Non-Exec & Non-Independent Dir : MAMTA VERMA
Chairman (Non-Executive) : Anil Mukim
Company Secretary : A C Shah
Non-Exec. & Independent Dir. : Gauri Kumar

Is Gnfc a government company?

GNFC is a joint sector enterprise promoted by the Government of Gujarat and GSFC. It was set up in Bharuch, Gujarat in 1976. GNFC started its manufacturing and marketing operations as one of the world’s largest single-stream Ammonia-Urea fertilizer complexes in 1982.

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What are the products of Gnfc?

GNFC Industrial Products. Acetic Acid (Glacial) Amonium Nitrate (Melt) Aniline. Calcium Carbonate. Concentrated Nitric Acid (98.5\%) Formic Acid (85\% Min.) Methanol. Methyl Formate (92\% to 97\%)

  • Other Industrial Products. Borax. Boric Acid. Calcium nitrate. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) Sodium nitrate. Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
  • Is GSFC a PSU?

    New Delhi: Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd (GSFC), a crown jewel PSU of the state government and a shining example of an ailing government firm revived by Narendra Modi when he was chief minister, suffered a major embarrassment in 2013 when the Union fertilisers ministry withheld its share of a fertiliser …

    Is NFL a PSU?

    NFL, incorporated in 1974 is India’s largest Central Public Sector Enterprise (Government of India Undertaking) in Fertilizer Sector with a turnover of over Rs. 75 billion….A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject.

    Type Public Sector Undertaking
    Headquarters Noida , India

    What is TDI in fertilizer?

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    To come out of liabilities worth Rs 7,000 crore a few years ago, we worked towards making operational and productive existing non-operational and unproductive assets, i.e. the TDI (toluene di-isocyanate) plant at Dahej, which had seen cost and time over-runs.

    What is NFL text?

    Summary of Key Points. “National Football League” is the most common definition for NFL on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

    What is toluene diisocyanate used for?

    TDI, specifically, is used throughout industry for a number of purposes including the manufacture of polyurethane, foams, and adhesive products. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) describes TDI as a severe respiratory toxicant.