
What does graft transmissible mean?

What does graft transmissible mean?

Graft inoculation is not selective and all pathogens invading the vascular system are transmitted provided a susceptible host is used. Therefore, within the virus control check, graft transmission is a means for establishment of the original sample.

What does the success of a graft depend on?

Factors for successful graft As a general rule, the closer two plants are genetically, the more likely the graft union will form. Genetically identical clones and intra-species plants have a high success rate for grafting. Grafting between species of the same genus is sometimes successful.

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What are the condition require for grafting?

The extrinsic conditions which it is necessary to observe in grafting by approach are summarized as follows: (1) A temperature sufficient for the production of the meristem, (2) the prevention of all conditions which cause rotting or drying of the cicatrizing meristem, and (3) maintenance of adherence of the wounds by …

What are the 3 elements of successful grafting?

These are:

  • The rootstock and scion must be compatible.
  • The vascular cambium of the scion must be placed in intimate contact with that of the rootstock.
  • The grafting operation must be done at a time when the rootstock and scion are in the proper physiological stage.

How do plant diseases spread?

Bacteria and fungal spores can be transferred by wind, in rain, and from soil via rain splashing onto plant tissues. Insects can vector or infect a plant with a pathogen when they feed on an infected host plant, and then move and feed on an uninfected plant.

What are the five important requirements necessary for successfully producing a grafted?

(2002) described five important elements: (1) The rootstock and scion must be compatible; (2) the vascular cambium of the scion must be placed in intimate contact with that of the rootstock; (3) the grafting operation must be done at the time when the rootstock and scion are in the proper physiological stage; (4) …

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What factors influence successful propagation by grafting and budding?

Many factors influence graft success including:

  • Plant.
  • Temperature.
  • Moisture.
  • Growth activity of rootstock.
  • Polarity.
  • Craftsmanship.
  • Pests and diseases.
  • Compatibility.

What are the principles of grafting?

The principles involved in grafting are based on the matching of scion and stock cambiums (meristematic tissue, the cells of which are undifferentiated and capable of frequent cell division).

What are the methods of grafting?

Grafting is a union of scion stems over the stock plant. The graft is NOT a hybrid. Characters of stock & Scion are never mixed in flowers & fruits. The exhibited plant characters should always belong to Scion.

Which of the following method primarily determines a biological property of plant virus?

Susceptibility or resistance of plant species and cultivars to viruses is determined primarily by the plant genotype. Plants possess active and passive means of preventing virus infection.

What are the three major factors involved in the development of disease in plants?

Plant diseases– their occurrence and severity– result from the impact of three factors: the host plant, the pathogen, and the environmental conditions. This is represented with the disease triangle. If any one of the three factors is missing, the triangle is not complete, no disease will occur.

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What are some important considerations in the collection handling and storage of Scionwood for grafting?

Storage of scion wood Place lightly moistened paper towels or wood shavings in with the scion wood. Be sure not to over-wet the paper towels or shavings as this can attract mold after four to eight weeks in storage. Some grafters like to dip cut ends in wax prior to storage to reduce desiccation.