
What does Hamlet admire most about Horatio?

What does Hamlet admire most about Horatio?

What does Hamlet admire about Horatio? Hamlet admires Horatio’s stolid practicality, honesty, and faithfulness. As Hamlet’s trusted confidante, Horatio hears the prince’s true feelings and plans thereby allowing Shakespeare to convey such information to his audience.

How did Hamlet feel about Horatio?

Hamlet admires Horatio for the traits that he himself does not have and, as true friends do, he takes genuine delight in the sanity, the strength, and the constancy of Horatio’s character. And Horatio, in his loyalty to Hamlet, agrees to forego his own death to complete the one final request his friend has made of him.

Is Hamlet in love with Horatio?

Horatio is Hamlets trusted friend and confidant. The closeness and love of Hamlet and Horatio’s friendship is established upon their first meeting in the play. Horatio is first brought into the plot because he is sharp and has some education.

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What does Hamlet think of Horatio’s news of the ghost?

Hamlet is appalled at the revelation that his father has been murdered, and the ghost tells him that as he slept in his garden, a villain poured poison into his ear—the very villain who now wears his crown, Claudius. Hamlet’s worst fears about his uncle are confirmed. “O my prophetic soul!” he cries (I.v.40).

Why does Hamlet trust and admire Horatio Be specific and use evidence from the text?

why does hamlet trust and admire horatio? Horatio has the ability to remain calm and even-tempered regardless of the sorrow or joy he is experiencing. He is not a slave to his passions, and does not make a public show of his emotions. he begins to speak in prose, which emphasizes hamlet’s word play.

What does Hamlet admit to Horatio and the audience?

What does Hamlet admit to Horatio and the audience just before the company arrives to view the play? Hamlet admits to Horatio that he had staged the play being played so that he can catch Claudius in guilty conscience. He asks Horatio to watch the reactions of Claudius, for only a guilty man will panic.

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Why does Hamlet say he especially likes Horatio does Hamlet see Horatio as similar to him or different from him?

Hamlet respects Horatio’s ability to remain level-headed at all times. They two are different. Hamlet’s actions are always a result of emotion, while Horatio’s are a result of contemplation and inner reflection.

Was Horatio black?

He was a member of the state house representing Alachua County, Florida in 1869 and 1870, In August 1868 he was made an Inspector of Elections. From 1868 to 1869 he served as a justice of the peace….

Richard Horatio Black
Born February 11, 1839
Died May 13, 1911 (aged 72)

Who said Goodnight Sweet Prince?

‘Good night sweet prince’ is a line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The final scene – at the end of which almost every lies dead on the stage – has Hamlet dying in his friend, Horatio’s arms.

What does Hamlet tell Horatio and Marcellus about his talk with the ghost?

He tells them that he will pretend to be crazy and they can not say it is because he saw the ghost of his father and talked to him.

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What news does Horatio tell Hamlet that makes Hamlet very excited and expectant?

Horatio tells Marcellus that he will inform young Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark and the son of King Hamlet, that a ghost keeps appearing in the shape of his father. Marcellus knows where young Hamlet is and leaves with Horatio to find him.

What does Hamlet reveal about himself to Horatio Why does Hamlet Trust Horatio What does Hamlet not reveal?

why does hamlet trust and admire horatio? Horatio has the ability to remain calm and even-tempered regardless of the sorrow or joy he is experiencing. He is not a slave to his passions, and does not make a public show of his emotions.