
What does high riding mean?

What does high riding mean?

1That rides or travels high in the sky, water, etc. 2Of a (motor) vehicle: that sits high off the ground; that is a high rider. 3Arrogant; overbearing, superior. Compare to mount (also ride) the high horse.

What is the meaning of riding up?

Definition of ride up : to move up the body as one moves Her skirt rode up when she sat down.

What is another word for riding high?

synonyms for ride the high horse

  • bulldoze.
  • gloat.
  • hector.
  • swagger.
  • yap.
  • badger.
  • boast.
  • brag.

What does on a high mean?

informal. : feeling happy and excited He was on a high after receiving the promotion.

What does ride out mean?

Definition of ride out : to succeed in surviving or getting through (something dangerous or harmful that cannot be stopped or avoided) The ship/crew rode out the storm. We managed to ride out the stock market downturn.

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What does ride off mean?

1. ride off – ride away on a horse, for example. ride away. go forth, leave, go away – go away from a place; “At what time does your train leave?”; “

What does the idiom to ride the high horse mean?

To be on one’s high horse means to act in an arrogant or haughty fashion. Eventually, the phrase came to mean the attitude assumed by someone who could afford to ride a tall horse.

What does it mean to ride roughshod over someone?

ride roughshod over sb/sth phrase. If you say that someone is riding roughshod over a person or their views, you disapprove of them because they are using their power or authority to do what they want, completely ignoring that person’s wishes.

What does it mean to be full on?

Full-on is used to describe things or activities that have all the characteristics of their type, or are done in the strongest or most extreme way possible.

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What does riding the clock mean?

Filters. To leave one’s workplace covertly without clocking out , thus continuing to be paid.

What ride it means?

transitive verb. 1a : to travel on ride a bike ride the bus. b : to move with like a rider ride the waves. 2a : to traverse by conveyance rode 500 miles. b : to ride a horse in ride a race.