
What does it mean to be a Nike Master trainer?

What does it mean to be a Nike Master trainer?

Nike Master Trainers lead a global network of more than 600 fitness experts who motivate, coach and inspire. They lead by example and coach, inspire and motivate people around the world. Together, these collected specialists share best practices with one another and explore and initiate new fitness trends.

What is master trainer certification?

A Master Trainer is an individual who has been certified in accordance with NCCER’s Instructor Certification Training Program (ICTP) for Master Trainers and is authorized to train craft instructors. Master trainers are trained and certified directly by NCCER.

How much do master trainers get paid?

Master Trainer Salary

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Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $118,500 $2,278
75th Percentile $86,000 $1,653
Average $69,816 $1,342
25th Percentile $43,000 $826

How long does it take to be a master trainer?

It typically takes at least two years of training experience to complete the entire program, depending on your education, work history and level of dedication.

What Kirsty Godso eats in a day?

She regularly eats avocados, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.

How does Kirsty Godso workout?

Kirsty Godso Shows Us Her “Fast Fire Glutes” At-Home Workout…

  1. Kneeling Leg Lifts x 10.
  2. Kneeling Angled Leg Lifts x 10.
  3. Tuck to Push x 10.
  4. Side Crunch to Extension x 10.
  5. Modified Side Plank with Leg Lift x 10.
  6. After completing all five moves, repeat all drills on the right side.

How long does it take to become a master trainer?

It can vary. An individual must complete the NASM-CPT (typically takes 60-180 days), three NASM specializations (typically takes 4-12 months) and complete the NASM Master Trainer Summit experience (2-3 months, application, online course and attend live summit).

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How long is master fitness trainer course?

The MFTC is now taught in a two phase format. The first Phase consists of 60 academic hours of Distributive Learning (dL) comprised of exercise science classes. The second Phase is a 2 week, 76 academic hour resident course which covers all PRT exercises and drills.

Do I need a Masters to be a personal trainer?

No. You can become a personal trainer with a high school education and an industry license or certification from agencies such as the American Council on Exercise (ACE) or the National Academy of Sports Medicine. However, a degree will make you stand out among other applicants for personal trainer jobs.

What is an elite trainer?

An elite trainer is a personal fitness trainer who qualifies as a professional trainer and has achieved one or more advanced level fitness certifications. An elite trainer may also have at least a bachelors degree in an exercise science discipline.

How do you become an elite trainer?

You Will Find a Job as a Certified Personal Trainer or You’ll Get Your Money Back

  1. Pass your ISSA Personal Trainer Exam and your NCCPT Accredited Proctored Exam.
  2. Interview with at least 3 gyms within 6 months of completing your certification course (requirements)