
What does it mean to be briefed on something?

What does it mean to be briefed on something?

to give someone information about a situation, especially officially. brief someone on something: Members of the committee were briefed on the plan last week.

What does it mean to brief someone?

To tell someone key information about someone or something, often an issue or situation. Please brief me about the candidate that I’ll be interviewing this afternoon. Someone needs to brief the CEO about the investigation before he speaks to the media. See also: brief.

What is the meaning of placed on?

1. To put, set, or lay someone or something on top of someone or something. A noun or pronoun is used between “place” and “on.” He placed the hat on his head and walked out the door.

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What does the word brief?

Brief is most commonly used as an adjective to mean lasting a short amount of time. The adverb form of the adjective brief is briefly, which most commonly means for a short amount of time or concisely. As a noun, the word brief commonly means a short written item.

Will be brief or briefed?

Brief is a verb as well, meaning “to summarize” or “to give instructions.” This last definition gave rise to debrief, which means “to question or get information from someone.” People are often “briefed,” given instruction, and later “debriefed” on how the instructions were carried out.

Is it briefer or more brief?

Both “more brief” and “briefer” are correct and can be used in the sentence. However, it is recommended to use “briefer”.

What does a brief statement mean?

A brief is defined as a short written or spoken statement or a statement of the main points of a legal case. The definition of brief is short in length or lasting for only a short time. An example of brief is a one page paper.

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How long is brief?

Something brief is short and to the point. If you make a brief visit, you don’t stay long. If you make a brief statement, you use few words.

Will be placed in or at?

placed in – means placing’ something ‘inside/at the center of’ something. placed at – means ‘placing’ something ‘beside/near by’ something.

What do you mean placed?

verb (used with object), placed, plac·ing. to put in the proper position or order; arrange; dispose: Place the silverware on the table for dinner. to put or set in a particular place, position, situation, or relation. to put in a suitable place for some purpose: to place an advertisement in the newspaper.

Can you brief me on?

brief (one) on (someone or something) To tell one key information about someone or something, especially some imminent issue or situation. Please brief me on the candidate that I’ll be interviewing this afternoon.