
What does it mean to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange Why is it important for a sociologist to do this?

What does it mean to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange Why is it important for a sociologist to do this?

Making the strange familiar is trying to understand an unfamiliar culture in its context, and making the familiar strange means that our own culture can seem strange from outsiders’ point of view. 2) Respect a culture/people as a whole, though condemning certain practices within that culture.

How do you make the familiar strange?

5 Ways to Make the Familiar Strange

  1. Turn a familiar object upside down. Remember the opposite may also be true.
  2. View an object from a different perspective.
  3. Use a different sense to explore an object.
  4. Ask a stranger what he or she finds strange about the object.
  5. Try becoming uncomfortable in your own skin.
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What kind of perspective are cultural researchers trying to gain through the use of long term fieldwork?

Through fieldwork, the social anthropologist seeks a detailed and intimate understanding of the context of social action and relations. Fieldwork in a previously unfamiliar setting has among its aims a deep understanding that encompasses as much as possible of an ‘insider’s’ perspective.

Why do anthropologists aim for cultural relativity as a guiding orientation as opposed to ethnocentrism?

Cultural relativism addresses other people in light of those people’s culture. Major issues can arise from ethnocentrism, as people can be dehumanized if their culture is not respected. Issues may also arise from relativism, because some cultures have inequalities and cause harm as part of their traditions and norms.

What does making the familiar strange mean?

what is “making the familiar strange?” it means look at the world in an unknown and unbiased way. they do this in order to see the world in an unknown perspective. if you making something familiar strange, you tend to see things about that were not seen before.

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In which techniques the goal is to make the familiar strange and the strange familiar?

The cultural anthropologist’s goal during fieldwork is to describe a group of people to others in a way that makes strange or unusual features of the culture seem familiar and familiar traits seem extraordinary.

What does it mean by making the familiar strange and the strange familiar?

Attributed to the German poet Novalis (1772-1801), the expression is typical of the Romantic era, when artists sought mysterious qualities in well-known objects, while also seeking to identify recognizable, commonplace characteristics in the weird and extraordinary.

How do cultural anthropologists do research?

Four common qualitative anthropological data collection methods are: (1) participant observation, (2) in-depth interviews, (3) focus groups, and (4) textual analysis. Participant Observation. Participant observation is the quintessential fieldwork method in anthropology. In-Depth Individual Interviews.

What type of research do cultural anthropologists do?

Cultural anthropologists specialize in the study of culture and peoples’ beliefs, practices, and the cognitive and social organization of human groups.

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Why is it necessary to see different cultures through cultural relativism?

Using the perspective of cultural relativism leads to the view that no one culture is superior than another culture when compared to systems of morality, law, politics, etc. It is a concept that cultural norms and values derive their meaning within a specific social context.

What is an example of seeing the strange in the familiar?

Why this story is an example of seeing the strange in the familiar: This story is an example of the strange in the familiar because as people we all know that racism exists and contrary to what many people believe it still is out there in today’s world and in America.