
What does it mean to overshoot a runway?

What does it mean to overshoot a runway?

to shoot or go beyond (a mark or target) to cause (an aircraft) to fly or taxi too far along (a runway) during landing or taking off, or (of an aircraft) to fly or taxi too far along a runway.

What follows a population overshoot?

Excessive demand leading to overshoot is driven by both consumption and population. A decline in population as a consequence of overshoot has been termed ‘collapse’. The trajectory undergone by such a population has been called ‘overshoot-and-collapse’.

Why does an overshoot occur?

Usage: Overshoot occurs when the transitory values exceed final value. When they are lower than the final value, the phenomenon is called “undershoot”. A circuit is designed to minimize risetime while containing distortion of the signal within acceptable limits. Overshoot represents a distortion of the signal.

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What is runway overrun and overshoot?

FAA AC 91-79 Runway Overrun Prevention defines runway overrun as: A runway overrun event is a departure of the aircraft from the end of the intended landing runway surface. It means that the aircraft has touched down on the runway before going off it. Overshoot is used in the same sense (note that overrun/overshoot occurs both in TO/landing).

What is overshooting in aviation?

2. (Aeronautics) to cause (an aircraft) to fly or taxi too far along (a runway) during landing or taking off, or (of an aircraft) to fly or taxi too far along a runway. 3. (tr) to pass swiftly over or down over, as water over a wheel. n. 4. an act or instance of overshooting.

What does it mean to overshot something?

To miss by or as if by shooting, hitting, or propelling something too far. To fly beyond or past; overrun: The plane overshot the runway. To go beyond; exceed. To shoot or go too far. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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What does it mean to shoot above the Mark?

v. -shot, -shoot•ing. v.t. 1. to shoot or go over, beyond, or above so as to miss. 2. to pass or go by or beyond. 3. to fly beyond the end of (a landing strip) when landing. v.i. 4. to fly or go beyond. 5. to shoot over or above a mark.