
What does it mean to take pot?

What does it mean to take pot?

b) to criticize someone or something unfairly without thinking carefully about it He enjoys taking pot shots at the government whenever the opportunity arises.

What does it mean to take pot shots at someone?

take a potshot at someone or something Lit. to shoot at someone or something, as with a shotgun. (A potshot refers to the type of shooting done to provide meat for the cooking pot.) The hunters were taking potshots at each other in the woods.

What is the meaning of take pot luck?

Come to eat whatever happens to be served; also, take one’s chances. For example, You’re welcome to join us for supper but you’ll have to take potluck, or When the flight was canceled, passengers had to take potluck on other airlines. This idiom alludes to accepting whatever happens to be in the cooking pot. [

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Where does the term pot luck come from?

The word pot-luck appears in the 16th century English work of Thomas Nashe, and used to mean “food provided for an unexpected or uninvited guest, the luck of the pot.” The modern execution of a “communal meal, where guests bring their own food,” most likely originated in the 1930s during the Depression.

Is it pot shots or pop shots?

A quickly aimed or haphazard shot with a firearm; possibly confusion, by assonance, with pot shot.

What is a stoner slang?

: a person who habitually uses drugs or alcohol.

Is pot luck one or 2 words?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ˌpot ˈluck British English, potluck American English /ˌpɒtˈlʌk◂ $ ˌpɑːt-/ noun 1 → take pot luck2 [countable] American English a meal in which everyone who is invited brings something to eat Can you bring a salad? It’s a potluck.

What is pot shot in boxing?

Potshotting or the term “potshot” in boxing means a surprise attack or a random punch. Potshots are great for scoring points and beating opponents mentally.