
What does it mean when you are knotted?

What does it mean when you are knotted?

British slang. —used in speech as a rude way to tell someone to go away or to show that one is annoyed with someone.

What is a knot in Word?

1a : an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a lump or knob (as for fastening or tying together) b : the lump or knob so formed. c : a tight constriction or the sense of constriction my stomach was all in knots.

What is the difference between tie and knot?

To tie means to join together two pieces of string or rope or wire (or two ends of the same piece). For the noun: A knot is the junction of those two pieces (or ends) of string, etc.

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What is the difference between a knot and a mile?

One knot equals one nautical mile per hour, or roughly 1.15 statute mph. When the time was up, they would count the knots between the ship and the piece of wood, and that number estimated their speed.

What is the example of knot?

The definition of a knot is the looping and tying of a piece of string or rope, or the place where a tree limb joins the trunk. An example of a knot is a tied shoelace. An example of a knot is the cross-grained circular part on some boards.

What do you call someone who makes knots?

All the folks who tied knots were known by the work they did (or do). A weaver, a tailor, a sailmaker; a ship rigger. One did not call upon the skill of a “knot tyer” as one might call upon a bow maker or a miller.

What are knots used for?

The knot is used to attach a rope to a ring, hook, anchor, or other object. It is made by taking two rounds of the rope around a solid object, then passing the end under both turns to form a pair of half hitches.

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What is the study of knots called?

In the mathematical field of topology, knot theory is the study of mathematical knots. While inspired by knots which appear in daily life, such as those in shoelaces and rope, a mathematical knot differs in that the ends are joined so it cannot be undone, the simplest knot being a ring (or “unknot”).

Why do boats use knots?

Why Do Boats & Planes Use Knots? Boats & Planes calculate speed in knots because it is equal to one nautical mile. Since the Earth is circular, the nautical mile allows for the curvature of the Earth and the distance that can be traveled in one minute.

How far apart are knots on a rope?

The knots were typically spaced 47 feet, 3 inches apart.

What is the oldest knot?

In Finland, a bowline was found on a fishing net dating from 7,200 BC but it is in Denmark that the oldest sailing knot was discovered. It was a clove hitch found on a 10,000-year-old fishing hook.

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