
What does ogling someone mean?

What does ogling someone mean?

: to glance with amorous invitation or challenge He was tempted to ogle at young ladies. transitive verb. 1 : to eye amorously or provocatively He sat at the bar ogling several women. 2 : to look at especially with greedy or interested attention we ogled the chocolate confections— Ann K.

What is a lecherous man?

To be lecherous is to be full of strong sexual desire and to act on it, usually in an unpleasant way. People who are lecherous are kind of obsessed with sex — they can’t stop thinking about it or having it. This is a word that is used more often to describe men than women: lecherous men are called lechers.

Is Ogler a Scrabble word?

Yes, ogler is in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you use Ogle in a sentence?

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Ogle in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because the women feel the construction workers ogle them, they hate to walk by the unfinished building.
  2. The football players ogle the cheerleaders when they should be listening to their coach.
  3. While the nerdy guys ogle the pretty girls at the party, they are too shy to invite them to dance.

How do you use ogling in a sentence?

She realized she was openly ogling him despite being pissed. Ogling a spouse couldn’t be a sin – especially when he derived such obvious pleasure from it. Once again he had caught her ogling him.

What is an old lecher?

a promiscuous or lewd man. [C12: from Old French lecheor lecher, from lechier to lick, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German leccōn to lick] Advertisement.

How do you use lecherous in a sentence?

Lecherous sentence example He was so randy and so lecherous , He could not be content with just us seven! Here in the desert southwest, she takes on the illegal monkey trade, lecherous ranchers, mad scientists, and vultures. He was so randy and so lecherous , He could not be content with just us seven !

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Does Google mean Ogle?

Overlooked is the more simple grammatical breakdown: “Google” can be divided into “Go Ogle” — meaning “to stare at, or observe.”