
What does OML mean ROTC?

What does OML mean ROTC?

There has been a long tradition of assigning branches to cadets based on their preferences and their merit ranking. This merit ranking is known as the order-of-merit list (OML) in the military and is based on a weighted average of academic performance, physical fitness test scores, and military performance. 8/68.

Why did you choose to be part of Advance ROTC?

Army ROTC can help you not only make new friends on campus, but new friends for life. The bonding experience Cadets go through in ROTC carries over into their future military careers where Eastern graduates stay in touch and serve together on military bases in the U.S. and around the world.

What do you come out as after ROTC?

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Upon completion of the Army ROTC program, graduates will be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army and will embark on specialized training in their first Army branch.

How do I find my OML?

Soldiers previously seen by an evaluation board can track their OML status at the Army Career Tracker website at

How does ROTC branching work?

During the beginning of their senior year, Cadets ranked in order of preference which of the 17 branches in the Army they want to assess into. Each cadet rank orders their preferences for ALL branches, and each branch does the same for ALL cadets.

What does an XO do in ROTC?

The cadet battalion executive officer (XO) supervises, directs, and coordinates the cadet battalion staff to prevent overlapping efforts and to ensure that the commander’s desires are understood and achieved.

What skills do you think are necessary to succeed in an ROTC program?

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The specific skills you receive in Army ROTC will include things like leadership development, military skills, and adventure training. This will take place both in the classroom and in the field, but you will have a normal daily schedule like all college students.

Do you have to do basic training after ROTC?

You will not be sent to boot camp. However, the primary purpose of the Army ROTC program is to produce Army officers, so you must agree to serve as an officer in the Army after graduation.