What does Poggers mean on Twitch?
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What does Poggers mean on Twitch?
It basically is a type of emoticon used in Twitch which looks like a surprised frog. However, now Poggers is used a lot in Twitch which essentially is used to show excitement. Instead of typing the word ‘awesome’ or ‘epic’, users would send the poggers emoticon.
What does the PogChamp emote mean?
Just like its origin, PogChamp is used to express shock, surprise, excitement, or even disbelief. It basically means “I can’t believe that just happened” in the best way possible. Since excitement and surprise are two open-ended subjects, you can safely bust out the PogChamp emote whenever something excites you.
Who is PogChamp emote face?
On Friday, KomodoHype, a meme-worthy Komodo dragon, became the new face of the PogChamp emote after a monthlong tryout period. The streaming company announced the results of the election on Twitter.
Is Poggers a Twitch emote?
POGGERS is a Twitch emote from the Pepe the Frog family, this variant features a surprised-looking Pepe with wide eyes and a wide-open mouth. The POGGERS emote is used during moments of excitement.
What is the pog face?
PogChamp is an emote used on the streaming platform Twitch intended to express excitement, joy or shock. The image used to show the streamer Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez with a surprised or shocked expression. The emote, like others on Twitch, is displayed at a very small size of 56 by 56 pixels.
What is the POG face?
What did the POG guy do?
Twitch announced it would be ridding its endlessly scrolling chatrooms of the icon on January 6 after the face of the emote, fighting-game personality Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez, took to Twitter to incite more violence in the wake of the pro-Trump mob that stormed the United States Capitol that same day.
What did the pog guy do?
What is today’s PogChamp?
Update: Twitch users have voted, and the new permanent face of the PogChamp emote is officially a lizard.