
What does pre REO mean?

What does pre REO mean?

A) An REO, short for “real estate owned”, is the term for a property owned by a lender that did not sell at a foreclosure auction after the mortgage owner defaulted. B) A preREO is a note that is in the process of foreclosure, but has not yet gone to sale.

What is reverse REO?

ReverseREO™: The New Secret System to Finding Hidden, Off-Market Deals Today, You Can Win Like Wall Street! Unlock access to ReverseREO™ properties! (Deeply discounted properties not available to the general public or on any list whatsoever). Control and make money on the property without actual… Share.

Can you take over payments on a foreclosed home?

This can be done by paying the full amount owed, or reinstating the loan. You can also reach an agreement to set up a repayment plan with the lender, or loan modification, that will give you more time to pay any past-due amounts and bring the loan up to current.

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What does pre foreclosure mean in Zillow?

The pre-foreclosure stage is the period between the time in which a Notice of Default (in nonjudicial foreclosure) or lis pendens (in judicial foreclosure) has been issued to the homeowner and after the property is sold at a foreclosure auction.

What happens after an REO property is found occupied by previous owner?

Once the lender reaches an agreement with the tenants of this REO occupied home, and it is vacated, it can go up for sale. Banks will typically put an REO occupied house up for sale as soon as it’s vacant, as to get it off their books quickly.

What is bank REO?

Real estate owned (REO) is property owned by a lender, such as a bank, that has not been successfully sold at a foreclosure auction. A lender—often a bank or quasi-governmental entity such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac—takes ownership of a foreclosed property when it fails to sell at the amount sought to cover the loan.

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Is it better to buy a house that is foreclosed?

The main benefit of purchasing a foreclosed home is savings. Depending on market conditions, you can purchase a foreclosed home for considerably less than you’d pay for comparable, non-foreclosed homes. Foreclosed homes are sold in “as-is” condition, and are typically unavailable for a walk-through before purchase.